mercredi, novembre 22, 2006

Software, UML, DSL

"I think factory methods for software are dead wrong, witless, and counter-effective. Organizations that build good software know that software is an R&D activity, not a production activity. Organizations that try to make it into a production activity produce bad software (though potentially lots of it)." -- Tom Demarco

This quote sounds very relevant to me, and is all the more pleasant that I cannot forget this brilliant phrase heard in another life : "Here, we do production, not software engineering [this is only school stuff, not for real life]"

source (pretty old) :

About the same booch's article, but another field, I think there's here a good critic on his position on UML vs DSL :

source (pretty old, but now, I understand) :

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Yup, despite all our efforts, development is still partly a craft rather than a science... but actually I find that cool :-)